Strepto Fever

Right now, in mid-July, the roses are taking a mid-season rest, while the daisies—coneflowers, coreopsis and Shastas—take center stage. I love them all, but at this moment I am absolutely infatuated with the streptocarpus plants that are currently strutting their flowery stuff on my covered front porch. The name “streptocarpus” is awful, invoking virulent sore … Read more

Cape Primrose

“Streptocarpus” is an awful plant name, suggestive of sore throats and other maladies that can only be cured by antibiotics.  In reality, if a plant lover is infected with a yen for streptocarpus, the malady may prove to be long-lasting and pleasant. Streptocarpus is commonly known as “Cape primrose”, a much better name that invokes … Read more

Cape Primrose

So often in botanical circles plants with lovely common names, like shooting stars or Peruvian lilies, have absolutely awful-sounding botanical names.  Cape primrose is a case in point.  Botanically speaking, it is known as Streptocarpus, which sounds dangerously close to streptococcus, the bacteria that causes strep throat.  Some streptocarpus is so beautiful that it will … Read more